Common Back Pain Causes

Back pain is more common that you think. Though it has traditionally be associated with lots of physical hard work and old age, it is now being experienced by people of all ages, regardless of their gender or the nature of their job. There are a number of back pain causes and one or a few of them might be applicable to you as well. Let us have a look at these causes.

the most common causes of back painBad posture- this is the number of culprit when it comes to the back pain causes. A bad posture will strain your back muscles because of which they will likely be stretching farther than expect. People who work on computers for very long or those who keep texting or playing games on their smartphones for long are more likely to suffer from this problem. The spine curvature here is unusual and the muscles or the upper and middle back as well as the neck as unnecessarily strained. A proper posture can help you mitigate these issues without having to make any significant changes to the way you work.

A herniated disc- this problem can occur anywhere on the spine. In general, it happens a lot in the lower or middle back region. The vertebrates that cover the spine are damages in this case because of which the disc is ruptured and the spine often becomes pinched or compressed. It is certainly a very painful experience. In the case of a herniated disc, ample medication and spinal decompression will be required in order to bring the disc back in order.

Sciatica- this usually happens when the sciatic nerve, located at the end of the spine is compressed, pinched or irritated. It causes back in the lower back that often radiates down to the feet as well. Sciatica will generally go away in 3 months if the symptoms are mild to moderate. In case of severe issues, more aggressive treatment may be required. It is one of the most common back pain causes and people suffering from sciatica need to be extremely careful about their health and lifestyle or the pain is more likely to become more frequent and more intense.

Arthritis- most of the people believe that arthritis causes pain only in the joints. However, a developing arthritis can also be one of the best known back pain causes. Medical interference is needed in this cases at an early stage in order to avoid significant damage.