Stretches For Lower Back Pain

Sciatica may be impingement of the large sciatic nerve, but this is rarely the primary problem – There are many stretches for lower back pain you can start with to alleviate your pain. There are several closely related scenarios that can cause back and leg pain, and true sciatic nerve impingement is much less common than muscle pain. Sciatica is a medical disorder that occurs when the sciatica nerve is compressed or damaged. Sciatica nerve is the longest nerve in the body. It controls the lower muscles of the body like knee muscles and leg muscles. It is present in the spinal area and thus extends to the rear sides of each leg. Some stretches for sciatica are recommended to ease the pain and discomfort involved.

The most common type of pain is muscle knots, technically known as trigger points. This type of pain commonly occurs in the back at the lower region and has a technical name; Gluteal Musculature. This can typically extend the pain all the way down your legs. It can usually be misunderstood by sufferers of this pain as sciatic nerve impingement. A cause of sciatica is probably least often a condition that can only be described as invtervertebral disc herniation – Weight imposing on the sciatic nerve roots in the lower part of your back, as seen with piriformis syndrome. The most common symptom from piriformis is noticed by muscular dysfunction. Some stretches for lower back pain are therefore done to ease such pain and to prevent further damage to the nerve.

stretches for lower back painSome early symptoms in cases of sciatica are complete numbness in the legs, lower back and joints, pin- prick pain and discomfort, sharp shooting pain under knees.

Some stretches for sciatica pain are:

a) Lie on your floor facing upwards. Then elevate either of your knees right back to your chest. It’s OK for your hands to assist you in bringing your knee right back. Stay for about 10-20 seconds. Now, pull your knee towards the chest. This particular stretch can be practised on your bed or even on the floor is fine. If you aren’t in the comfort of a home, it can also be done while you’re standing.

b) Lay your body on your back on the floor. Cross right leg over the left leg. Now, bring the left leg towards your chest. Hold it with both your hands. Stay in this posture for about 10-15 seconds. Return to the starting position. Wait for a couple of seconds. Perform the given steps in alternating manner.

c) Lie flat on your back on the floor. Bend the knees. Tilt the pelvis such that the back flattens and the bone of the pelvis rolls up. This will result in curling of the tailbone off the floor. Take deep breaths. This will help in relaxing the tailbone back down. Perform this sciatica stretch 8-10 times a day. This is understood by specialists to be the best exercise for herniatic relief.

All the above mentioned stretches for sciatica are safe to perform. Still, agreement from an experienced doctor is always advisable in case of exercises for sciatica.