Meralgia Paresthetica Treatment – A Guide With Answers

meralgia paresthetica pain treatmentMeralgia Paresthetica treatment is for a medical condition in which there will be numbness, tingling and burning in the legs, concentrated on the outer thigh region. This usually happens because of the compression in the nerves of your spinal system because of which the sensation of the skin on your thigh is lost. Weight gain, obesity or even tight clothing and pregnancy can be some of the reasons why this problem occurs. A person suffering from diabetes or one who has sustained some local trauma will also experience this condition. In the most typical conditions, medications will be provided to relieve you from discomfort. Surgery is also an option but it is performed rarely and that too in very extreme cases.

The doctor will perform a physical examination and will even go for diagnosis through electromyography and x-ray imaging. Electromyography will help the doctor map the electrical discharges to find out if there is any kind of muscular or nervous disorder in your body. It is usually done through a needle electrode. Other tests might include a nerve blockade test which is one of the definitive tests to find out MP. A nerve conduction study can also be performed to check the nerves that have been damaged in your body. Most of the treatments that are a part of this procedure focus on reliving the compression of the nerves as this condition is usually caused by pinched nerves.

The first thing that your doctor will advise you for is wearing looser clothes and losing weight. You will also be given pain relieving medications like Aspirin, Acetaminophen, ibuprofen and others. This should normally go on for two months. If there is no significant change in your condition or if the symptoms persist, then the doctor will be opting for tricycling antidepressants to relieve pain. He will also prescribe Corticosteroid injections and Labapentin to reduce any kind of inflammation and lessen the symptoms of pain. There are side effects to these medications too. They may include constipation, dry mouth, drowsiness, loss of libido and impaired sexual functioning, dizziness, lightheadedness nausea etc. are some of the common side effects that take place because of this issue.

Surgery is possible in this condition but it is generally taken as a last resort that should be opted for in rare or extremely severe conditions of Meralgia Paresthetica only. Surgery will decompress the nerves but recovery and post-op care becomes very crucial in this case.