Lower Back Exercises For Mitigating Pain

exercises for your lower back musclesThose who are suffering from back pain do not benefit solely from medications and chiropractic manipulations alone. Even spinal decompression machines will not be of any help in this case. You will have to focus on changing your lifestyle and habits. In the first place, you will have to have to change your posture. Secondly, you will have to include some targeted exercises in your routine. These lower back exercises will strengthen your lumbar region, help relax the muscles and even help in reducing the frequency and intensity of the lower back pain that you have been facing. Let us have a look at some of the most common and effective lower back exercises.

Bottom to heels stretch

Start by kneeling on your knees and then coming down on all fours. The kneed should be directly under your hops and the hands should come directly under your shoulders. Maintain this position and make sure that your lower back is not unnecessarily arched. That can alleviate your pain further. Your neck should be stretched out and your shoulders should be slightly thrown back. Now, perform the exercise. While maintaining the natural spine curvature, move backwards. Take a deep breath and hold this stretch. Release the breath and come back to normal. Do not take unnecessarily long breaths. If you can only hold your bath for 4 seconds, let it be. Don’t exert yourself too much or your spine or muscle will be definitely affected. Repeat this at least 10 times. In order to perform this exercise safely, you must try to stretch only as far as it is comfortable. The stretch is really easy. You must make sure that you maintain a proper posture in the beginning.

Knee Rolls

knee rolls for back painStart by lying on your back. In order to make yourself feel more comfortable, place a small book or a flat cushion under your head. Bend your knees and keep them together. The upper body must be left completely relaxed in this case. Your chin should specially be paid attention to. Keep it relax and tuck it lightly towards your chest. Now, perform the real exercise action. Start by rolling your knees to your left. Follow the same action with your pelvis. Both the shoulders should be on the floor. Don’t lift your head to check if you are doing it right. Stay in this stretched position for one deep breath. Release the breath and get back to the original position. Repeat on the right side. Alternative sides and repeat it 10 times. It is one of the best lower back exercises for pain.